1 Week. 5 Awesome Deals.

How it works:

  • Each day November 20-24th will feature a deal of the day.

  • The deal of the day will be available from 6am MST- 6am MST the following day

  • Come back each day to purchase the deal of the day

  • Once the deal closes, THAT'S IT. So grab it now!

Monday Deal Of The Day

The Conquer Your Pain Membership

Normal Price: $97/month | Deal: $48.50/month

The Conquer Your Pain Pro Membership is your one-stop-shop to enjoying life without worrying about pain or injury by getting expert advice and resources created by a physical therapist.

The membership includes:

⭐️On Demand Office Hours to submit a question to me for direct feedback (no worries if you can’t come live, my video response will be ready when you are!) 

⭐️ Pre-recorded workshops to help you add simple exercises and movement to your day...even with little time

⭐️My full exercise library to help you do the things you love with less pain and injury

⭐️A physical therapist in your corner to answer any questions you have about exercise, pain relief, movement, office ergonomics…I’ve got you covered.

Tuesday Deal Of The Day

The Pain-Free Desk Work Bundle

Normal Price: $400 | Deal: $200

Split-Payment Available

5 pain-relief resources for desk workers from a physical therapist to relieve neck, shoulder, jaw, and wrist pain, so you can enjoy life outside of work

This bundle includes:

⭐️The Office Ergonomics Program to improve your sitting and desk position to address discomfort at the source 

View The Office Ergonomics Sales Page here

⭐️The Carpal Tunnel Workshop to get rid of carpal tunnel pain in the wrist and pain in the elbow 

View The Carpal Tunnel Workshop Sales Page here

⭐️The Jaw Pain Workshop to learn about how the jaw works, how to reduce strain on the jaw, and how to get rid of jaw pain and headache pain that often comes with jaw pain

View The Jaw Pain Workshop Sales Page here

⭐️The Stress-Proof Neck & Shoulders Workshop to help you identify your stressors and relieve stress and use simple exercises to relieve the neck and shoulder pain that comes with it 

View The Stress-Proof Neck & Shoulders Workshop Sales Page

⭐️Tips For Better Sleep Training to help you feel more rested and relaxed and wake up with less stiffness and discomfort to start your day

View The Tips For Better Sleep Sales Page here

Wednesday Deal Of The Day

PT In Your Pocket

Normal Price: $600/month | Deal: $300/month

Have you ever wished you could just talk to a physical therapist and get real-time support when you have aches and pains or want help planning a workout routine? Now you can!

With PT In Your Pocket you will get:

⭐️ 30 days of consulting via email and/or Voxer with a physical therapist

⭐️Priority responses via email and/or Voxer from Monday-Friday

⭐️ BONUS: Access to the CYP Membership for the duration of your subscription

Please note this is a wellness service, not medical care

Thursday Deal Of The Day

The Happy Feet & Ankles Bundle

Normal Price: $250 | Deal: $125

Grab 4 practical workshops from a physical therapist to relieve pain and find shoes that truly make your feet happy.

This bundle includes:

⭐️ The Ankle Sprain Recovery Workshop to help you quickly recover from an ankle sprain and prevent them from happening again 

View The Ankle Sprain Workshop Sales Page here

⭐️The Balance Workshop to help you improve your overall ankle and core stability which really helps with just about everything we do (seriously!) 

View The Balance Workshop Sales Page here

⭐️The Choosing Shoes Workshop to find shoes that fit great without pinching your does or hurting your arches

View The Choosing Shoes Workshop Sales Page here

⭐️The 5 Minute Movement Plan to help you keep moving overall so you stay active even on busy or low energy days

View The 5 Minute Movement Plan Sales Page here

Friday Deal Of The Day

The Sciatica Solution

Normal Price: $197 | Deal: $98.50

If you've ever had sciatica, you know if it can quite literally be a pain in the butt...

In The Sciatica Solution you will get the help you need to get sciatica relief with simple exercises you can do at home.

The Sciatica Solution Includes:

⭐️The Sciatica Solution Training to learn all about what causes sciatica, areas where the sciatic nerve gets irritated, and what to do to get rid of the pain 

⭐️The Sciatica Movement Screen to figure out what is causing the pain 

⭐️Simple Exercises For Sciatica Relief that you can do from home in a few minutes

⭐️Bonus: Bending & Lifting Mechanics Tutorial so you don’t irritate your muscles and nerves

50% Off Individual Online Programs & Workshops


Everyday Movements With Ease


Learn how to make simple adjustments to things you do everyday so you can do more with less pain and strain on your body.

Tips for Better Sleep Training


Learn quick and easy things you can do to get better sleep and feel more rested the next day.

The 5 Minute Movement Plan


Learn how you can add 5 minutes of movement to your day, even if you're busy!

The Stress-Proof Neck & Shoulder Workshop


The workshop to help you get rid of pain that comes with stress and keep it from coming back!

The Choosing Shoes Workshop


Learn how to find shoes that fit great and make your feet feel truly happy

The Conquer Your Pain Method Course


This course helps you understand your pain focus on things YOU can control to get pain relief that lasts.

The Balance Workshop


Learn techniques and exercises to improve your balance, reduce the risk of falls and ankle sprains, and enjoy your hobbies.

The TMJ/Jaw Pain Workshop


Learn quick and easy things you can do to get rid of jaw pain and keep it from coming back.

The Ankle Sprain Recovery Workshop


Ditch the R.I.C.E. Method and learn how to speed up your ankle recovery without making things worse!

The Carpal Tunnel Workshop


Skip the brace that hasn't been helping and learn what you can do to get rid of carpal tunnel pain (and things that mimic carpal tunnel pain).

The Office Ergonomics Program


Improve neck, back, and shoulder pain quickly by making simple changes to your office setup

The Sciatica Solution


Learn how to get rid of Sciatica Pain in only 15 minutes/day!

Affiliate Favorites

While I have some big sales of my own, feel free to check out some of my favorite black friday offers from affiliates! As new deals go live, the page will update itself so keep an eye out!

Hi, I'm Dr. Megan 👋

Physical Therapist, chronic pain patient,

pain & movement specialist

I want to personally welcome you to Black Friday Deal Week!

My goal is to help you do more of the things you love with less pain and discomfort. This Black Friday, I want to help you do that without breaking the bank!

If you have any questions about any of the programs or deals, please DM me on Instagram so we can chat about it!

Medical Disclaimer

The information contained on this Website and in the Resources is not intended to take the place of medical advice from a health care professional. Exercise, diet and health related matters vary from person to person. Nothing on this website shall be considered, construed as,or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Any action taken based on the contents of this Website or the Resources is solely at your own discretion, risk and liability.You should always consult the appropriate health professionals on any matter that is related to your health and well-being before proceeding with any action pertaining to health-related issues. The Company assumes no liability for the use or misuse of information on this Website or in the Resources. Please follow the links below to read our full disclaimer as well as our terms and conditions.


Diligence Physical Therapy and Wellness PLLC, is owned by Dr. Megan Ehrlich, PT, DPT. Nothing on this website is medical advice and no therapist-patient relationship is formed by purchasing or viewing an online resource or purchasing an online program/course. If you have a specific problem and need medical advice, contact a healthcare provider in your area or book an appointment with Dr. Megan



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